Monday, April 13, 2009

LePaSaN SPM08...SiLa AmBiL PeRhATiAn..!!!!=)

sape2 yg rase dok dkat2 utara tueyh..
p la kat penang rabu ngan khamis nieyh!!!
jgn lpaskan pluang nie eyk!!!
utk mklumat lnjut sila layari
shaye fadhil othman mlaporkan utk semua..!!!

LiHaTLaH DuNiA..!!!^_^

wif new face of my blog...
i've got da confidence 2 be da best..!!!
poyo jerk...!!=)

aKu PoWn DpAt AwArD GaK mLm NiEyH..!!!hehe=)

ingatkn nabil je dpat award..aku pown dpat gak!!hehe=)

award rules

1. 1st insert this badge or the pic above to inform u have been awarded
2. Make sure u take the pic n said it is from
3. You should tell 10 facts or hobbies about yourself.
4. You should choose 5 other bloggers (easier the ones who follow you) and tell their names in your blog
5. Dont forget to go to their blog and tell them they have been tagged !!!

----> award from: yongu~des

---->10 facts of myself
~banyak ckap
~alah kucing
~kengkadang jiwang..hehe=]
~ska minum horlicks
~cpat baran tpy cpat sjuk
~brterus trang
~kuat mkan..haha=)
~sayng sgt kat fmily..
~slalu mngenang naseb

-----> The 5 people i choose to accept this award are
~qayyum irwnzi
~farah adiba


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